Long Distance Call from YB of the Boleh Land to the Death Enforcment Officer of the Underworld for the deceased.
Death officer: Hello YB, what can I do for you?
YB: As usual, I have another guy died in custody. I want you to lock him up and don't ever let him come out to haunt us. Please make sure he can't make appeal in your underworld.
Death officer: No problem! As long as you pay me well. But what if he went to heaven? I heard that the one from the MACC and the one that was blown into pieces have gone to Heaven.
YB: I am not worried at all. Don't you know that I have very good connection in heaven too? I will call them later.
Death officer: Can I have more from the Immigration Detention Camp?
YB: I will try ... but some might go to Heaven and I may have to improve the condition in the detention camp cos' the people are watching closely now.